High Trust Thinking
Box 5712
Santa Barbara CA 93150

Call Dennis   805-452-2303

We are performing artists.
The classroom
is our stage.
We dedicate
our life
to our art.
We explain
what we mean,
by living it,
with our body,
and from our guts.

We respond
to the moment,
We give all.
We save nothing.
We maximize!
We wait for no one
to make us happy.
We nurture ourselves,
and permit ourselves
to be gifted.
We inspire others
with our integrity
our elegance,
and our commitment
to quality.

We are a special gift
to ourselves,
and the world
that we unwrap
through life.

Dennis M. McLoughlin

Trust Psychology [#1,809,655]
and HiGH TRUST Thinking/ Leadership [#1,830,634]
are registered trademarks
with the United States Patent and Trademark Office

Denny wants to be with the "fabulous YOU!"
"...growing your skills &....CONFIDENCE!
Excellence In Teaching-High Trust!
Clinically proven-classroom researched,
Mr. McLoughlin’s Trust Psychology/High Trust Thinking/Teaching are influencing a major evolution, a “paradigm thinking shift” from fragmented, non-emotional, passive learning to teaching/learning that is vital, passionate, cognitive-emotionally integrated, intuitive, where students take all learning to performance in an atmosphere that nurtures “a high need to achieve,” moral commitment, and energy for the new world of thinking, responsibility and community.
Denny instantly likable... totally dedicated,...really fun
50 years in education/classroom teacher,
internationally acclaimed presenter,
gifted discipline problem,
US Marine Corps, ex Shakespearian actor,
Creator of Trust Psychology &
High Trust Thinking/Leadership

  ..we're passionate about teaching, we love students, teaching, being a performing artist
....yes, yes, yes......to being totally alive!


I really want to celebrate-support you... who's passionate about teaching......personally, and with professional development that really speaks to you.........full of laughter, belonging and joy.

s !